The Peanut Butter Sandwich

Thursday Sandwich Appreciation Day  No.1

The Peanut Butter Sandwich

Here at AG the peanut butter Sandwich is an all-time favourite. It’s simple, it’s quick, full of protein, fiber and good fats, it’s the perfect snack or meal on the go.

Steps to make a peanut butter sandwich

Step 1: Get a slice of AG bread, Vital Rye is our favorite.

Step 2: Spread peanut butter on it. Done.  And if you can’t eat peanut butter use and alternative nut butter, Almond or Cashew are amazing substitutes.

Pro Tip: Spread butter or an alt butter before the peanut butter, it will make it lighter and so much better, trust us.

Pimp My Sandwich: If you want to pimp up your peanut butter sanga, add slices of Banana and drizzle Honey on top. My goodness its good, you can thank us later.